Leaders of Lasting Impact

Matthew Pohl

The ReWild Group founder and Leaders of Lasting Impact podcast host, Matthew Pohl, owned a small business for more than a decade. After 12 years of painstaking work, Matthew hoped to sell the business and retire but was shocked at the valuation he received. It was then he discovered the Stages of Growth Methodology and began applying those principles to the company. Three years after Matthew implemented the Stages of Growth Methodology, he was able to sell his company for 10x what it previously appraised. After selling that business, Matthew decided that other business owners could benefit from the knowledge that he had learned, and that idea gave rise to what became The ReWild Group. Instead of retiring, he has invested his time and energy into creating resources so that other business owners can enjoy the same success. Matthew has authored a series of books called the Organizational ReWilding Rules for Business Growth and each book looks at one of the seven stages in detail, explaining the governing principles that best serve a business of that size and using illustrations to show how the concepts play out in real life. Born out of a passion to help small businesses, our podcast shares the hard-earned experiences and stories from advisers who are helping businesses become more exceptional. Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply at https://podcast.rewildgroup.com/podcast-guest. read less


23 - The Transformative Power of Organizational Rewilding with The ReWild Group's Matthew Pohl
Apr 12 2024
23 - The Transformative Power of Organizational Rewilding with The ReWild Group's Matthew Pohl
Your host, Jamie Jackson, talks with the Owner and CEO of The ReWild Group, Matthew Pohl. Matthew Pohl's story is one of passion, resilience, and strategic transformation. His career began in the structured world of large corporations, including the Federal Reserve Bank and Arthur Andersen. However, the entrepreneurial spirit was ingrained in him from an early age, thanks to his parents' small business ventures. Despite the hardships his family faced when they lost their business, Matthew's resolve to create his path never wavered.After marrying, he set ambitious goals: pursuing a master's degree, raising four children, and starting his own business. In his early 30s, he took the plunge and launched his first venture. The timing was far from ideal, with the aftermath of September 11th creating a challenging business climate. Yet, Matthew persevered, overcoming the initial struggle to secure clients and establish his foothold in the entrepreneurial world.The desire to help other business owners experience similar success led to the formation of The Rewild Group. Matthew acquired extensive research and intellectual property, including insights from the book "Navigating the Growth Curve," and over a decade of additional research. His goal was to make this methodology more accessible and applicable to a broader range of businesses.The Rewild Group's mission is to help businesses become exceptional and less dependent on their owners, providing more freedom, profitability, and increased value for those looking to exit their business.To learn more about Matthew's work, click HERE and HERE.Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply HERE.Want to learn more about Matthew's work? Check out his website at 'https://www.rewildgroup.com/
18 - Unleashing Business Potential: The Power of Organizational Rewilding with Phil Bristol
Mar 1 2024
18 - Unleashing Business Potential: The Power of Organizational Rewilding with Phil Bristol
Your host, Matthew Pohl, talks with the Executive Coach, C-Suite Consultant, Key Note Speaker, and Founder, Managing Principal, and CEO of Projectivity Solutions, Phil Bristol. Phil's professional story is a testament to the power of strategic planning and adaptability. With 15 years of military experience under his belt, Phil transitioned into the corporate world, where he honed his skills in strategic planning for a large international pharmaceutical company. His military background instilled in him a disciplined approach to business, which he carried over into his corporate role, treating his business unit as if it were his own company.In 1990, Phil made the bold decision to venture out on his own, a move he had been preparing for throughout his corporate tenure. He brought with him a robust business plan and a clear vision for his consulting practice. Since then, Phil has advised numerous small and mid-sized businesses, as well as Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies, leveraging his extensive experience to guide them through various stages of growth.Phil and Matthew share a common discovery that significantly influenced their professional paths—the stages of growth methodology. This approach, detailed in the book "Navigating the Growth Curve," provides a framework for understanding and managing business growth. The ReWild Group later acquired this methodology, enhancing it into a comprehensive business growth system known as organizational rewilding.Phil's decision to become certified in organizational rewilding was driven by his process-oriented mindset. The methodology's structured approach and documented processes resonated with him, allowing him to deliver consistent results to his clients. By combining the rewilding framework with his own expertise, Phil has been able to offer a unique and powerful service to organizations seeking to improve their performance.To learn more about 's work, click HERE and HERE.Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply HERE.Want to learn more about Matthew's work? Check out his website at 'https://www.rewildgroup.com/
13 - Expanding Vision, Narrowing Focus: Nurturing Leaders for Impactful Change with Tony Martignetti
Jan 29 2024
13 - Expanding Vision, Narrowing Focus: Nurturing Leaders for Impactful Change with Tony Martignetti
Your host, Matthew Pohl, talks with the Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of Inspired Purpose Partners, Tony Martignetti. Tony's role at Inspired Purpose Partners is multifaceted. As a coach, he provides leadership development and training for individuals and teams, particularly during challenging times. His organization specializes in working with small to midsize companies, guiding them to elevate their performance and team dynamics amidst uncertainty.Tony's background in finance, spanning high-tech and biotech industries, gave him a solid understanding of the science behind patient care. However, he felt a growing disconnect between the external rewards of his job and his internal sense of fulfillment. This realization prompted him to seek a career path that resonated more deeply with his true self.The transition from finance to coaching wasn't abrupt but a gradual awakening. Tony recalls a pivotal moment in a boardroom where he felt out of place and decided to walk away to pursue a path that felt authentic to him. He initially explored business coaching but soon found his calling in leadership and executive coaching, where he could make a profound impact working with individuals on a one-on-one basis.To learn more about Tony's work, click HERE and HERE.Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply HERE.Want to learn more about Matthew's work? Check out his website at 'https://www.rewildgroup.com/
12 - The Role of Systems in Process Alignment and Consistency with Effective Performance Strategies' Ryan Weiss
Jan 19 2024
12 - The Role of Systems in Process Alignment and Consistency with Effective Performance Strategies' Ryan Weiss
Your host, Matthew Pohl, talks with the Tech Founder and CEO of Effective Performance Strategies, Ryan Weiss. Matthew's entrepreneurial journey started with neighborhood lawns. Ryan, however, elevated his lawn care business, which his brother has since grown into a substantial enterprise with around 50 trucks. Ryan's early foray into entrepreneurship, combined with his degrees in chemistry and finance, set the stage for his successful tenure at a multinational corporation. After 17 years and several international moves, Ryan was drawn back to his entrepreneurial roots and family, leading to the inception of his own company in early 2016.The transition from the security of the corporate sector was challenging. The regularity of paychecks and bonuses gave way to the unpredictability of starting from scratch. Nevertheless, Ryan's dedication to assisting small to mid-sized businesses in realignment and scaling was the catalyst for his change. His methodology focuses on synchronizing people and processes to boost performance.Ryan's Optic System has been transformative for businesses grappling with process inefficiencies. Through workshops, he guides companies in identifying their issues and devising practical strategies to enhance alignment, quality, and consistency. A notable success story is a training company that, after streamlining its client onboarding process, experienced a significant boost in client retention and satisfaction.To learn more about Ryan's work, click HERE and HERE.Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply HERE.Want to learn more about Matthew's work? Check out his website at 'https://www.rewildgroup.com/
9 - The Most Effective Methodology for Transforming Your Business and Boosting Growth with ReWilld Group's Jim Neidhardt
Dec 29 2023
9 - The Most Effective Methodology for Transforming Your Business and Boosting Growth with ReWilld Group's Jim Neidhardt
Your host, Matthew Pohl, talks with the Certified Organizational ReWild Advisor of, Jim Neidhardt. Jim's story begins in New Jersey, where he earned his BBA in marketing and MBA in finance. He spent 20 years in the corporate world, running and building businesses with millions of dollars in revenue. Despite his degree in finance, Jim's focus was primarily on the demand side of the business, including sales, marketing, and business development. His understanding of human psychology, organizational development, and finance was instrumental in his success.Jim's work as a certified organizational ReWild advisor involves conducting ReWild business assessments. These assessments help identify missing strategic elements that may be hindering growth. While some of these elements may confirm what leaders already knew, the assessment often brings to light 1 or 2 strategic elements that were completely off their radar. According to Jim, these hidden elements are the real power of the assessment.Once these strategic elements are identified, the discussion shifts to finding solutions. Jim addresses some of the missing elements, while others may require outside resources. The rewild methodology is particularly effective for tackling these challenges.To learn more about Jim's work, click HERE.Think you'd be a great guest on the show? Apply HERE.Want to learn more about Matthew's work? Check out his website at 'https://www.rewildgroup.com/.